Germane & Wise is a group of high-level mental health professionals that provides value for patients, providers, the healthcare system and community it services.

Germane & Wise's low cost service integration
helps specialty clinics by providing immediate onsite
care and saving specialists' time to focus on their
areas of expertise.


GERMANE & WISE can help specialty clinics and practices in two ways: by providing onsite, immediate access to mental health care and by helping practices use a collaborative care model to leverage their own specialists.

Patients with mental illness present to all specialties, not just primary care. Germane & Wise can put the same CMS-best-practice mental health care we offer to primary care clinics directly into practices that have high rates of comorbidity with behavioral health pathologies, such as OB/GYN, GI, and Endocrinology. We can also develop custom solutions, such as emergency room diversion services.

Our collaborative care model is best known in the treatment of mental health alongside primary care, but the system of having a lower-level care manager, a chronic disease registry, and concrete outcome measures under a supervising physician can also streamline specialty care, making it possible to expand providers’ patient capacity while fostering better patient outcomes. In more rural or hard to recruit to areas, our model leverages your existing providers better and makes them happier in the process. Germane & Wise can show you how.